商英专业教师参加中南民族大学外语学院跨境电商与全媒体运营 实践周开放活动


外院网讯(通讯员 邱辛欣)99日至11日,中南民族大学外语学院举办了跨境电商与全媒体运营实践周开放活动。我院商英专业欧秋耘和孙玲燕两位老师参加了本次活动。



中南民族大学外院通过此类开放周活动,不断推动教学与实践相结合,致力于培养更多具有国际视野和实战能力的商务英语专业人才,其经验值得学习借鉴。(图片 孙玲燕/审核 刘晖)

Business English Teachers Participating in the Open Activity of Cross-border E-commerce and Omnimedia Operation Practice Week Held by the School of Foreign Languages with South-Central Minzu University.

(Correspondent: Qiu Xinxin) From September 9th to 11th, the School of Foreign Languages with South-Central Minzu University hosted an open week of practical activities focusing on Cross-Border E-Commerce and Omnimedia Operations. Two teachers, Ou Qiuyun and Sun Lingyan from the Business English Department of our school, participated in this activity.

The courses in the open week were taught by experienced corporate mentors. The curriculum covered cutting-edge skills such as short video production and live streaming participation, and integrated practical experience sharing. This allowed students to keep up with industry trends and master the most advanced operational strategies. With a diverse evaluation system, the course not only focused on students’ theoretical knowledge but also emphasized the cultivation of practical operation skills and innovative thinking.

The training camp’s schedule was rich and colorful, including not only theoretical learning but also practical sessions like short video filming and live streaming operations. Students had the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities under professional guidance, thereby better understanding and mastering the practical skills of cross-border e-commerce.

Through such open week activities, the School of Foreign Languages at South-Central Minzu University continuously promotes the integration of teaching and practice, dedication to cultivating more Business English professionals with an international perspective and practical abilities. Their experience is worth learning from and emulating.