外院网讯(通讯员 唐安琪)10月26-27日,在第九届湖北省中小学青年教师教学竞赛的舞台上,外国语学院英语专业的同学们以志愿者的身份积极参与其中,不仅为赛事的顺利开展助力,更开启了一段宝贵的学习与成长之旅。
在赛事进行的过程中,志愿者们在各自岗位上认真履行职责,确保各项工 作有序进行。在志愿服务之余同学们积极向评委老师请教指导。
评委老师就在近乎相同的教学模式之下,评判选手教学展示的依据和侧重 点展开指导。湖北省中小学青年教师教学竞赛中学英语组评审组组长中南财经政法大学外院梁小华教授悉心指出了五个侧重点,分别是板书设计、内容熟悉度、教态仪表、语言能力以及对时间的把控。
在板书设计方面,评委老师指出,板书应简洁明了且重点突出。比如在英语阅读 课的板书设计中,可以将阅读策略和方法进行简洁呈现,让学生一眼就能抓住核 心要点。
在内容熟悉度方面,老师强调,教师对教学内容必须烂熟于心,这样才能在讲台 上自信从容,应对自如。
在教态仪表方面,评委老师着重提到,教态要亲切自然,仪表要端庄得体。在着 装时应选择简洁大方、符合教师身份的服装。
在语言能力方面,评委老师建议,首先语音语调要标准,发音清晰准确,这是让 学生学好英语的基础。其次,语言表达要流畅自然,这样才能提升学生的语言感 知能力。
在时间的把控方面,评委老师强调,在课堂教学中,要精准把控时间。上课前就 要对每个教学环节所需时间有大致规划,不能前松后紧或前紧后松。在实际教学 过程中,要时刻留意时间进度,根据情况适时调整教学节奏,确保既能完成教学 任务,又能让学生充分吸收知识,避免超时现象的出现。
通过与评委老师的深入交流,外国语学院的志愿者们如获至宝,他们认真记录下每一条宝贵建议,收获满满。通过此次志愿活动,外国语学院的同学们拓宽了自己在英语教学领域的视野,提升了专业认知。相信未来,他们会将这些所学运用到实际学习与生活中,更积极地投身于各类教育相关活动,继续书写属于外院学子的精彩篇章。(审稿人 刘晖)
English Majors from Foreign Languages School Volunteering at the 9th Teaching Competition for Young Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools of Hubei Province
(Reporter: Tang Anqi) From October 26th to 27th, at the stage of the 9th Teaching Competition for Young Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools of Hubei Province, students majoring in English from Foreign Languages School participated as volunteers, not only contributing to the smooth running of the event but also embarking on a valuable journey of learning and growth.
During the competition, the volunteers diligently performed their duties in their respective positions, ensuring the orderly progress of all tasks. In their spare time, they actively sought advice and guidance from the judges.
The judges offered guidance on the criteria and focus for evaluating the teaching demonstrations of the contestants under nearly identical teaching models. Professor Liang Xiaohua, head of the Middle School English Group Judges, from School of Foreign Studies with Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, carefully pointed out five key focuses: blackboard design, familiarity with the content, teaching demeanor, language ability, and time control.
In terms of blackboard design, the judges advised that it should be concise and highlight key points. For example, in the blackboard design of an English reading class, reading strategies and methods can be presented succinctly, allowing students to grasp the core points at a glance.
Regarding familiarity with the content, the judges emphasized that teachers must be thoroughly familiar with the teaching content to be confident and composed on stage.
In terms of teaching demeanor, the judges highlighted the importance of being warm and natural, and dressing neatly and appropriately. Teachers should choose simple and elegant clothing that suits their professional identity.
For language ability, the judges suggested that pronunciation and intonation should be standard and clear, which is the foundation for students to learn English well. Additionally, language expression should be smooth and natural to enhance students’ language perception.
Regarding time control, the judges stressed the importance of precise time management in classroom teaching. Teachers should have a rough plan for the time required for each teaching segment and avoid being too loose or tight. In the actual teaching process, they should always be aware of the time progress and adjust the teaching rhythm accordingly to ensure the completion of teaching tasks while allowing students to fully absorb knowledge, avoiding overtime.
Through in-depth exchanges with the judges, the volunteers felt as if they had found a treasure, carefully recording every valuable piece of advice. Through this volunteer activity, the students broadened their horizons in the field of English teaching and enhanced their professional cognition. It is believed that in the future, they will apply what they have learned to their studies and lives, more actively engaging in various educational activities, and continuing to write brilliant chapters as students of the School of Foreign Languages.