

外院网讯(通讯员 王晶)20241126日晚 6 点半,三号教学楼 3 楼多功能外语教学中心热闹非凡,一场别开生面的英语角活动在此欢快举行。来自全校不同专业的同学们踊跃参与,现场洋溢着浓厚的英语学习氛围。

活动在李奎学长的热情主持中拉开帷幕。首先进行的“你画我猜”游戏瞬间点燃了大家的兴致,Wesley Thando两位外教亲自带队示范,凭借生动的肢体语言,引得阵阵欢笑。随后同学们迅速组队,默契配合,绞尽脑汁地用英语描述画面、猜测词汇,pizzabutterfly”等单词在欢声笑语中被精准猜出,既考验了大家的词汇量,又增进了彼此间的默契协作。

紧接着,外教分别坐镇两个圆桌,与围坐的同学们畅聊起favourite food”Wesley 绘声绘色地分享对美国食物的钟情;Thando则对非洲特色美食侃侃而谈,独特口感的描述仿佛让人感觉真地品尝到了异国美食的滋味。同学们也纷纷打开了话匣子,从家乡小吃到异国佳肴,随着美食词汇的不断蹦出,不同文化在舌尖碰撞。

而后的 30 分钟自由交谈时间,大家三两成群,话题天马行空,从校园趣事到未来憧憬,英语成了连接彼此的纽带。在ending game环节,报数游戏更是将气氛推向高潮,数字喊出瞬间,说出同样数字的同学迅速反应,大声喊出对方的英文名,紧张又刺激;单词接龙环节,大家思维飞转,apple - elephant - terrible”,一个个词汇在舌尖跳跃,展现同学们的扎实功底。

活动尾声,全体人员齐聚,相机为大家定格下这充满欢乐与收获的瞬间。此次英语角活动,不仅为同学们提供了锻炼口语的平台,更在畅聊与游戏中拉近了中外师生间的距离,让英语学习从书本走向生活,让我们期待下一次相聚!(审核 陈曦 冶慧颖 )

Foreign Languages Culture Festival Series Activities --- English Corner Successfully Held

At 6:30 p.m. on November 26th, 2024, the Multifunctional Foreign Language Teaching Center on the third floor of the No. 3 Teaching Building was bustling with excitement. A unique English Corner activity was being held here joyfully. Students from different majors of our university actively participated, and the scene was filled with a strong atmosphere of English learning.

The activity kicked off with the warm hosting of senior student Li Kui. First of all, the game of "Draw and Guess" instantly ignited everyone's interest. The two foreign teachers, Wesley and Thando, led teams and demonstrated in person. With vivid body language and tacit cooperation, they brought bursts of laughter. Subsequently, the students quickly formed teams and showed their respective abilities. They racked their brains to describe the pictures in English and guess the words. The atmosphere at the scene was lively. Words like "pizza" and "butterfly" were accurately guessed amid laughter and cheers, which not only tested everyone's vocabulary but also enhanced the cooperation among them.

Immediately afterwards, the foreign teachers took their seats at two round tables respectively and chatted freely with the surrounding students about "favourite food". Wesley vividly shared his love for American food, while Thando talked eloquently about the characteristic African cuisine. The descriptions of the unique tastes made people feel as if they had tasted them in person. The students also began to chatter away enthusiastically. From hometown snacks to exotic delicacies, as food-related words kept popping up, different cultures collided on the tip of the tongue.

Then came the 30-minute free conversation time. People gathered in twos and threes, and the topics were unrestrained, ranging from campus anecdotes to future aspirations. English became the bond connecting everyone. In the ending game session, the number-calling game pushed the atmosphere to a climax. The moment the numbers were called out, the students who said the same number reacted quickly and shouted out each other's English names loudly, which was both tense and exciting. In the word chain game, everyone's thoughts were racing. "Apple - elephant - terrible", one word after another jumped on the tip of the tongue, demonstrating the solid foundation of the students.

At the end of the activity, all the participants gathered together, and the camera captured this moment full of joy and harvest for everyone. This English Corner activity not only provided a platform for the students to practice their oral English but also narrowed the distance between Chinese students and foreign teachers. It made English learning move from textbooks to real life. Let's look forward to the next gathering!